The premise if you didn't catch my original review is a guy washed up on the shores of an island that lost all their men after a freak accident. Now after many years he is the first man to wash ashore on this island with no way off. The women awe struck by the first man in years go a little crazy. After some good fun at his expense the women of the island many who never even knew what a man looked like have spent their lives doing a mans labor and all are freakishly strong. While our hero (Any mans hero in this situation) is weakling geek guy. He suffers from frequent nose bleeds due to the women's immodest behavior due to their lack of exposure to any men in their entire lives.
All in all its quite fun to watch and I quite enjoy the gratuitous fan service.
Here are today's releases;
Lucky Star . 12
El Cazador de la Bruja . 13
Toward the Terra . 12
Tales of Symphonia . 1
Nodame Cantabile . 22
Seirei no Moribito . 12
History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi . 35
Check back for updates and enjoy the shows!