Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sola final episode and review also Daily New Anime Releases

Sola series comes to an end. And a strange one at that. The series didn't explain much and didn't answer many questions through out its release. Lets hope this final episode answers a lot of them. The show has had a lot of twists and turns first it seemed light hearted and fun as it progressed it became more serious and almost down right depressing the last few episodes. But it has been one I enjoyed watching. I wish I knew more about the "yaka" it seems each has its own unique powers but they never really explained much about them.

Without giving away to many spoilers it is hard to go into much detail but I will say that if you enjoy light drama and fantasy this is a good series to watch. I wont post all the links for the series today as you can probably go back in my history to find most of them if not all.

Anyways here are today's new releases;
Sola . 12 - final
Ikkitousen​ Dragon Destiny​ OVA​ . 1
Hitohira . 6
History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi . 29
Bokurano . 9
Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann . 13
Idolmaster Xenoglossia . 11
Blue Dragon . 7

Enjoy the shows and check back later for updates!

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