Monday, September 24, 2007

Toward the Terra and Kaze No Stigma final episodes released

Well it is time to say good bye to Toward the Terra it was a long and bumpy road but its finally over. While the ending stays with the theme of the series. It is sort of disappointing. If your watching this hoping for a fairy tale happy ending stop now your better off not watching it. Without spoiling I can say no more.

But needless to say this show has been an interesting one to follow with weird mysteries and plot lines that left many questions unanswered. Over all a quality show and very entertaining. But in my opinion the ending just didn't do it justice.

Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your like or dislike of the series) it doesn't look like there will be a sequel for this series but... you never know.

As for Kaze No Stigma it was a great ending with as much flare and dramatics and fun as you come to expect from the series and it looks to nicely setup a second run of the series. (fingers crossed.) This show had many great elements with rivalries, love triangles and comedy galore. It could make you laugh and then later cry. There were many touching moments through out this run and I am looking forward to the next season. There are lots of places this series can take us and I plan to stay on this ride until the end.

Please let me know your thoughts on the ending episodes did you like them or not.

Thanks, and enjoy the shows!

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