Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ayakashi Review and New Daily Anime Releases

Ayakashi - This new series is almost identical in concept to Persona which is also out right now. The idea is a group of people have the power to control ayakashi. But in so using them you must pay a price. Usually its through your body. Losing your eyesight, ability to walk or your mind. One boy who lost the love of his life a while ago has a certain power that a group wants to control with the hope of stopping the physical degradation of the host or at least thats what they say.

So far its a very interesting story but it seems to feel rushed and random at times. I often feel like I am missing some part of the plot almost like I missed an episode or two of the story. I am not sure if this is by design or if this is just a crappy writer. But it often leaves me scratching my head. The idea is cool and the ayakashi are awesome and interesting. It is often a very graphic story with lost of death and dismemberment so not for the feint of heart.

I just can't get excited for the main hero. He just seems like an ass to me that I can't just love and root for. He often just randomly gets pissed and suddenly he has super powers from his ayakashi. It seems the ayakashi has influence over his personality and this may be why he drives me nuts. But they could have handled it differently so you have a better idea of who he is VS. his ayakashi's influence. Even with these problems I still enjoy watching the show and hope that things get tied together in the end. Fingers crossed.

Here is the list of daily new releases;
Persona - Trinity Soul . 6
Moegaku*5 . 1
Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino . 5
Emily of New Moon . 19
Emily of New Moon . 20
Buzzer Beater (2007) . 12
Sketchbook ~ full color'S . 12
Minami-ke: Okawari . 6
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro​ . 9
Hatenkou Yugi . 5
Buzzer Beater (2007) . 13
Shion no Ou . 15
Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn! . 66
Bleach . 160

Enjoy the shows!!

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