Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Keitai Shoujo and New Daily Anime Releases

This series is made up of shorts. Maybe 5 minutes total each episode but it is a rather fun series. The story is about a boy who has a kind of odd relationship with a girl only through texting. But when his friend starts to like her he starts to back off and encourage them. All the while other girls have taken an interest in him and try to get his attention. The series revolves around this texting in short episodes with all these relationships.

Its a quick anime fix and can be fun. But I wish it was longer I am getting hooked.

Here are the links to whats out so far.
Keitai Shoujo - 1
Keitai Shoujo - 2
Keitai Shoujo - 3
Keitai Shoujo - 4

And as always here are todays daily anime links;
Toward the Terra . 8
Sumomomo Momomo . 20
Sisters of Wellber . 3
Seto no Hanayome . 9
Idolmaster Xenoglossia . 8
Nodame Cantabile . 18
Lucky Star . 8
Chocotto Sister . 14
UPDATED ----------
Shining Tears X Wind . 8
Darker than Black . 8
Claymore . 9

if you want any back episodes on any series I list let me know and I will post them.

Enjoy the shows!

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