Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Doujin Work Review and New Daily Anime Releases

Doujin Work is a pretty funny series about a girl who helps out her friend selling her doujin at a doujin convention. She is very unsure about the whole thing until she find out how much money can be made drawing and selling doujin suddenly she decides to become an artist and make her own (the power of money over morality) proclaiming it on the table at the convention as loud as possible. What can i say this series has a lot of sexual innuendo but it is hilarious as this girl is super shy when it comes to things like this. So she runs into all kinds of hilarious situations trying to avoid it or hide it. In episode 2 at one point she is stopped by a police who wants to know whats in the bag. So of course she immediately runs from the police as fast as she can. It leads to much laughing.

This is definitely not for kids but it sure is hilarious. I will keep this one on my watch list.

Here are today's new releases;
Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi . 2
Tokyo Tribe 2 . 12-13
Seto no Hanayome . 15
Romeo × Juliet . 14
Kekkaishi . 25
Potemayo . 1

Check back for updates and enjoy the shows!!

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